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Martin Fabry PhD

Martin Fabry finished his bachelor’s degree in molecular biomedicine at the University of Bonn in 2014 and moved to the US as a visiting scientist at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (New York, US) working on improving CRISPR/Cas9 technologies. Following completion of a master’s degree in life and medical sciences in 2016 with emphasis on molecular mechanisms of immunity, Martin started his PhD in Medical Sciences with Cancer Research UK at the University of Cambridge studying genome organisation and stability.

After graduating with his doctorate degree in 2020, Martin worked as postdoctoral fellow in computational biology at the Gurdon Institute and European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) in Cambridge with focus on stem cell development and establishing new technologies for stem cell differentiation.

Martin joined IP2 in 2018 as scientific consultant and started as a patent attorney candidate in late 2021.

  • Life Science 100% 100%


German, Englisch


+49 2166 398 4658

What more there is to say...

In his leisure time Martin likes running, hiking, diving and rowing.

What moves me

Penalty for the free-kick spray

Penalty for the free-kick spray

In 2013, international soccer was enriched by a special curiosity: referees suddenly sprayed lines on the pitch with a kind of shaving foam to determine the correct distance of the kicker at a free kick. FIFA is said to have once promised Heine Vilarinho-Diaz (1), the...

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Euro Bank notes – turn around and see

Euro Bank notes – turn around and see

Always trouble around the Euro We all have colorful euro bills in our hands every day, but hand on heart: do you know what is depicted on these banknotes? I also had to look it up: on the front there are examples of architecture from different centuries and next to it...

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